Sara Jackson
Say Hey. I’m Sara. I’m a Naturopath, Nutritionist, home cook and health writer. More importantly I’m Mama to the two most adorable little people around. I’m an Aussie living in the heart of London.
I left the Australian shores after studying Fine Arts, in search of adventure. I soon found myself ensconced in the busy world of London's fashion industry. I was fortunate enough to travel frequently and manage the careers of some of the world's top models for international model agency, Next for over 12 years.
I got to where I am now because I was diagnosed with stage 2 Cervical Cancer two years after the birth of my beautiful daughter. It was a devastating blow. I thought I lived a pretty healthy, if fast paced life but my stress levels, intense work, environmental and lifestyle factors left me vulnerable to developing cancer. I used both conventional and complementary medicine to reclaim my good health. A mix of successful treatments, supportive friends and family, the right supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes pulled me through it and have kept me cancer free ever since. I employed the same treatment principles to deal with a very complicated pregnancy not long after my cancer treatment, which helped me and my little guy beat the odds and we brought him into the world safe and sound.
My mother took me to a reputed Aussie naturopath as a teenager which sparked a life-long interest in me. I saw some truly inspirational practitioners during my cancer treatment but I struggled to find someone who I could totally relate to. There was no one who offered that'one stop shop' dietary and lifestyle advice that I needed to get my health back on track and prevent a cancer recurrence.
Once I was well, I made the huge decision to leave my career. I embarked on a three year journey of study to become a Naturopath and Nutritionist. My motivation is to use my professional skills, knowledge and experience to be that 'one stop health shop' for others finding themselves in a similar position, and to help everyone find the health, happiness and vitality we all truly deserve.
I am passionate about the power of nutrition and I love working with people, but I’m not just another member of the ‘clean-eating brigade’. I truly care about you and your health. There is no ‘one size fits all’ - we are all unique and I want to help you figure out what works best for you and to help you feel as incredible as you can.